Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bad Luck Beily

This is just so ridiculous, but I had an accident yesterday and I've ended up with a screwed-up foot and ankle! I've been told it's most likely not broken, but I'm in a cast either way - "just in case". This prevents me from doing absolutely anything, which is a huge problem when having a dog! Thank higher powers that I have a fenced-in front yard so that Beily can go out and pee whenever she wants at least, but I'm suffering so badly by not being able to walk her..! It feels horrible, and I feel like the worst dog owner in the universe. A friend has promised me to come help me later this afternoon, but when I usually walk her 3 to 4 times per day, this cannot be a fun situation for her. It just feels so unfair that she should have to suffer too just because of my bad luck! All I want is to take her out.

An interesting thing though is that she sleeps on my hurt foot whenever she can..! Last night I woke up and she was in my bed, resting her head on my ankle. Today she goes to sleep next to me wherever I am, and rests her head on my foot. Perhaps she finds the cast funny, but it's really sweet.

This is just a really bad timing. I am planning to go away for the weekend so I'll be leaving her at a kennel for a couple of days, which was why I really wanted to spoil her with walks and play now before I go. Such bad luck. I've tried to find someone who would be up for walking her so that she would get several walks a day as usual, but so far I haven't had any luck with that. Bummer. As for our summer plans it looks like there is a small glimpse of hope again..! Like I said before I have found someone who can take us to Arizona, and now I have also found a place to stay there for a night. The person who claimed she'd be driving from Arizona and to the East Coast seem to be back in the game, so we'll see if she sticks to the plan this time. I am definitely concerned, and I will be looking for more reliable options. I wish I knew someone (like really knew them) who would be planning to do that drive somewhere around June 18th. This is definitely one of the biggest challenges I've faced.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) Beiley is beautiful and I love the story of how you first 'met'. Good luck with the move, will keep my fingers crossed for you!

    1. Thank you so much!! Yes, hopefully everything will work out. We're crossing fingers, toes and paws over here as well! And by the way, your blog is really wonderful, keep it up. I'll be stopping by again soon.
