Saturday, April 20, 2013

Three Individuals, One Bed.

My best friend stayed over last night after a small get-together at my house, and since I only have one bed (a SMALL bed) there was no other option than to share. No problem, obviously, since we've shared everything during the years we've known each other for. We've lived together, travelled together, hung out basically 24/7... so sharing a small bed is something we've done several times. However, my dear furry dog decided that she too wanted to share the bed. Imagine me, my 6 ft (+) best friend and my 50 pound dog all fighting for the little space that there was. I would have thought it impossible, but we were all tired and it worked out really well in the end. Turned out to be quite cozy.

I was really proud of Beily last night. She used to be a hyperactive monster that got so over-excited when people came over that I had to put a leash on her or put her in another room, and now she has gone from that and onto becoming a calm and relaxed dog. I can't believe my best friend was able to sleep next to her without her being all over him and licking him in the face. I suppose it has to do with age too, since after all she hasn't even turned 2 yet. I'm just happy and proud to see that she is growing into such an awesome dog. I've struggled some with having her stop jumping up at people, and to channel her enthusiasm when meeting people in a better way. It seems like age is sorting it out though, and it was great to see how she didn't jump on any of the guests last night, and how she settled with pressing up against their legs and wagging her tail. I was a proud doggy mama last night.

Something I could really need is advice on activities to do with my dog indoors. It's not that I don't want to go out, but now once it is starting to get hot during the days we can't go out. Her walks will soon have to be reduced to early morning and late night, and I need ways to entertain her in between. It's not that she becomes difficult or anything if she doesn't get properly activated, since she usually just goes to sleep, but I hate the idea of her being bored. She hates the heat too, I can tell, and I know that as it gets hotter she will become less and less active, unless I find fun ways to entertain her inside where there is air condition. She is going to love D.C, because even though summers over there are HOT and crazy humid, it is nothing compared to the heat here. I can't even explain it.


  1. Yaaay your dog is very sweet, mine also want to share a bed with me :)
    kisses, Berries

    1. Thank you! =D Aww that is so cute! Yeah I mean I probably shouldn't allow mine to sleep on my bed since she's kind of big (which usually means I end up with little or no space myself), but I just can't resist! I love having her on there.
