Thursday, April 18, 2013

So Many Thoughts

I still find it quite peculiar that there are people out there who do things for others just in order to be nice. Incredible, isn't it? It shows that there really is hope for this world after all. So far so good with my summer plans, and the person I am talking to regarding driving from AZ and over to D.C seems pretty serious about it, but of course I still worry that it could be too good to be true. I'm having the most amazing time down here in Mexico too, as if universe is testing my decision to leave. It's funny though, because the more of a great time I have, the more sure I get that it is time for me to leave. It is going to be awful to leave everything that I have here, but time really flies and I need to live out some other dreams as well, before potentially settling down somewhere. I don't really think of it as leaving either, but more like I am going away for a while. I need to visit my family, since I haven't seen them in what will soon be 3 years..! It makes me feel bad. Not so much because I miss them (even though I do, obviously), but more because I'm afraid they will think that I don't think about them, or that they're not important to me. For that reason I really need to go see them soon.

Beily is one happy dog. I love when she has this look on her face, and it's mostly reserved for when she gets to play Fetch. My family has never met her, but I hope that they will. Soon. First step is for my second family (I'm not related to them, but I feel like they're my family too) in D.C to meet her. The kids will love her, I know they will, and she will love them back. Beily has always been very gentle around kids, even though she used to be a hyperactive monster (as in I-love-you-so-much-please-let-me-be-all-over-you) with the rest of the world in her younger days. Now she has cooled down with everybody and you can tell she has matured a lot during the past 6 months, but with kids she has always been very sweet and calm. There are 3 little kids waiting for us in D.C, and something tells me it's going to be an awesome summer if all of this works out. I can't wait to get there now. So close.


  1. Beily's face is the picture of happiness! Changes are always scary, but they're good for the soul too. Good luck!

    1. That is so true..! Funny, I read this comment today and even though I know you were commenting on the changes I wrote about before, your comment really helps me with my thoughts today! I'm having one of those oh-my-god-what-if-I-can't-do-this moments... regarding moving and everything. You are so right though! Changes are good. Thank you so much for this comment, it helped a lot today.
